Liturgical Life

The Liturgical Ministers for Good Shepherd Church enhance the worship of the parish community. All of the ministries are always on the lookout for people who would like to serve. If you are interested in becoming a Liturgical Minister, please contact Renee Hamilton at the Parish Office, 763-544-0416, ext. 810 or at reneehamilton@goodshepherdgv.org.

Altar Servers Altar serving is a special opportunity to serve God and His people at Mass. Altar servers are responsible for helping prepare for Mass by lighting candles, placing gifts on the offertory table, and setting the Roman Missal and other items for Holy Communion on the credence tables. Altar servers must arrive in the sacristy at least 20 minutes prior to scheduled time for Mass. Training for Altar Servers begins in the fourth grade.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Parishioners who are confirmed and active in the faith may serve as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assisting the ordinary ministers (ordained bishops, priests, and deacons). Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion distribute the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass and to the homebound and hospitalized.

Lectors Lectors proclaim the Word of God at Mass. They should have the ability to read aloud in a clear, distinct voice as well as project their voices adequately. Lectors are responsible for proclaiming the first and second readings. Workbooks are provided to help them prepare for the readings.

Ushers/Greeters Ushers help direct parishioners and guests to their seats, pass out the weekly bulletin, and take up the offering. They also may be called on to help worshipers who have questions or difficulties before, during, and after Mass. All members of the parish are invited to join.