First Reconciliation and First Communion

Register here for First Reconciliation/First Communion Fall 2023

Sacramental preparation for First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion is open to all Good Shepherd parish youth in second grade or above. Preparation is also open to non-parishioner students from Good Shepherd School who receive permission from their pastors. Children who enroll in this program must also be enrolled in the Good Shepherd Family Formation program or Good Shepherd School. Children who desire to receive these sacraments must be baptized in the Catholic Church. If your child has not yet been baptized, or if she or he was baptized in another Christian community, but you would like her or him to receive sacraments, please contact Fr. Ben Wittnebel so we can discuss next steps.

The cost for registration is $125 per student.

CLICK HERE for new information on the First Reconciliation/First Communion Program with Fr. Ben Wittnebel.

If you have any questions about registration, please contact faithformation@goodshepherdgv.org or 763-544-0416 ext. 857.


Registration for 2023-2024 is now closed. If you are interested in joining this year's program, please reach out to Fr. Ben Wittnebel.