Catechetical Institute

The Catechetical Institute is coming to Good Shepherd
We are excited to announce that Good Shepherd will be a Catechetical Institute satellite site for the two-year Pillars Program beginning this fall (2022) — the Class of Saint Michael the Archangel! This is a fantastic opportunity for the people of Good Shepherd and our surrounding communities. We are hopeful that many members of our community will take advantage of this informative and enlightening dive into the faith. Please keep reading to find out more about this opportunity. 

What is the Catechetical Institute? 
The Catechetical Institute is a formation program from The Seminaries of Saint Paul. It's designed for Catholic adults who wish to deepen their knowledge of the Catholic faith and further their spiritual formation. The foundational course at the Catechetical Institute is Pillars: A Journey through the Catechism of the Catholic Church. In essence, the Catechism is seen as the road map for the journey in faith, with each module of the four-module program focusing on one of the four pillars of the Catechism:

  • Creed: The Story in Miniature
  • Sacraments: The Blessing Revealed and Communicated
  • The Moral Life: Fulfillment in Beatitude
  • Prayer: The Blessing Given and Received

Taught by the best instructors in the Twin Cities, such as Jeff Cavins, Deacon Joe Michalak, Father John Klockeman, Dr. Bill Stevenson, Deacon Dan Gannon, Liz Kelly, Dr. Todd Flanders, Christina Smith, Alyssa Bormes, Linda Corrigan, and Father Steven Hoffman, the program follows the four pillars of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The aim is to help make sense of all things Catholic, deepen your faith, and lay out the roadmap to heaven.

When is this happening? 
Students will meet on Monday evenings from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at Good Shepherd. Here, they will participate in the small group dynamic and gather together to watch the lectures via live stream. This will happen over the next two years. It's too late to join the GSGV group, but there are openings starting Fall 2023! Sign up today! 

Sounds great! How do I apply? 
For more information and an application visit www.CIstudent.com or call (651) 962-5072.

Click HERE to be directed to the Catechetical Institute website.